"The Masters of Beatrantin' Rhythm and Views"

The Antipoet, Paul Eccentric and Ian Newman, are together the world's finest exponents of beatrantin' rhythm 'n views! Having become somewhat successful over the last decade, they have tirelessly toured the poetry, comedy and music circuits and have appeared at countless festivals including, Glastonbury, Bestival, Camp Bestival, Edinburgh, Brighton, Rebellion, Lake Fest and, Larmer Tree
"Described on countless occasions as, ‘Ian Duryesque’
“I might not agree with the sentiment, but you said it well” -The Mayor of Milton Keynes, January 2015
“The Antipoet: Funny-arse Fuckers!” -Mama Tokus, Apples and Snakes, December 2014
'Part of their charm is the anarchic energy and commitment they bring to every gig. They are endlessly inventive; full of rhythm, joy and wit, delivering good-natured and/or righteous scorn and loads of big fun.''In a rational world they'd have their own telly programme.' Dave Quaile for 'Lillabullero', April 2017.
"Brilliantly clever, funny, true observational punk poetry delivered impeccably!.... Sarah Crosby July 2016
“Really, really ace! I like what you do” -Ray Peacock, comedian, FUBAR Radio February 2015
“It was lovely to corrupt the festival with you” –Helen Gregory, Poetry&Words, Glastonbury June 2014.
The essential Antipoet, By David Quayle 2016
The basic Antipoet, are Paul Eccentric (words – lots of words – and vocals, occasional triangle and cowbell, of punk heritage) and the taller, more hirsute Ian Newman (full-size double bass-man and interjectionist, also contributing harmony). Prolific propagators and propagandists for poetry and the spoken word, they are artists of a sensitive disposition (to quote from one of their signature pieces); they are also Men of a muchness (a notion I’d riff on further here if I could recall a single line of one of their most songiest of pieces) and have been known to wear leather skirts (indeed, I think they might have done this night). Anyway, you can find a lot more about them ; and their wider interests here at http://rrrants.org. I have seen them performing in pubs and function rooms, in the library and on the street, and I’ve never seen them give less than 100%. There’s plenty to discover on YouTube. If you get a chance, do go see; you won’t regret it
"A wry blend of anarchocynisism and comic observation"
The Antipoet, Paul Eccentric and Ian Newman, are together the world's finest exponents of beatrantin' rhythm 'n views!Having become enormously successful over the past Twelve years. They have tirelessly toured the poetry, comedy and music circuits, and have appeared at countless festivals including, Glastonbury, Edinburgh, Brighton, Ledbury, Camden, Wenlock, Larmer Tree, Nostock, Blyth Power Ashes and Buxton. They have also performed at magazine launches, Christmas light switch-ons, street parties, several libraries and schools, a shop window, the back of a lorry, on various boats, in the minstrel gallery of the Liverpool Town Hall and at Silverstone for the Grand Prix.
The Antipoet have so far release Eight studio albums featuring tracks that they have performed live in hundreds of venues around the UK since 2010.
Over the past twenty five years Paul has worked as a poet, novelist, lyricist, singer, playwright and director. Paul totalled 147 gigs in 2013, performing solo as a poet and a storyteller; as the mouthy half of The Antipoet; singing with The Odd Eccentric and The Sentimentals and playing percussion with both Caution Horses and DodoBones. He also wrote and recorded 3 radio series for My Word Radio.. Paul continues to be one of the most prolific writers on the spoken word circuit in the UK.
Ian "Sir Gigalot" Newman :AKA "The Bass Whore"
is the rhythmic interjectionist half of The Antipoet partnership. Ian slaps out the riffs that Paul rambles over. Ian totalled 192 gigs in 2015 and is ahead on points in 2016!...
Ian is also a videographer and has recorded and edited many of the Antipoet videos that can be found on Youtube and other social media platforms
Reviews of The Antipoet e click me.
Punk Uncle Launch night July 22, 2019 by Dave Quayle
Another Antipoet review, you say? Well someone has to do it until they get more of the recognition they deserve. What do they do? They cross boundaries is what they do: comedy, music, rap, poetry? “It’s just entertainment.” they rather disingenuously say. Or more specifically, their brand of Beat Poetry. Anyway, album launch: Punk Unkle, Volume 7 in the saga, upstairs in The Crown, Stony Stratford, Wednesday, July 3. ‘Fresh’, as they say, from Glastonbury. No, and they were. All that coverage, but do the BBC as much as mention, let alone venture near, the poetry tent? (Thank you for The Cure, though, in their entirety.)
The Antipoet do mostly the new stuff (of which more later) with – unusual sight – a drummer: Mark Gordon, who produced and played on the record. Same old joyous, energetic performance though. They do a cover! Ian Dury’s There aint half been some clever bastards! (“Lucky bleeders! lucky bleeders!“).

Throwing the choice of oldie encore open to the audience Paul Eccentric explains that Tights not stockings is a number they only do on special request these days, given the rise to prominence of Me Too and other sensibilities. Even though it is actually a moral piece about the plight of a middle-aged man struggling to keep his inner perv in check, enthusiastic audience participation has tended to cloud over its origins. I can’t remember if they did the “Boots, no knickers” section, but I have an indistinct memory of a “Sandals no socks” refrain somewhere in there as well. Or am I imagining this (I need to know).
The album Punk Unkle is dedicated to the memory of Ian Dury: “he was the finest ‘beat poet’ of his generation, and is overlooked on that front.” Amen. It was mutual love of Dury that was the common ground around which Ian and Paul’s partnership was forged a decade ago. Bonus tracks – five of ’em – include a two-man rendition of Ian Dury’s aforementioned There aint half been some clever bastards with an added verse: “Ian Dury was a genius / to ignore this / would be heinous“; “our punk uncle,” says Paul. The whole thing ends with a straight-faced recitation of the full album credits.
Bards of Bugger All - Launch night by David Quayle April 2016
I’ve had worse earworms but this one threatens to invoke the law of unintended consequences. Next time I’m in a coffee shop my fear is I’ll place an order saying, “Can I get a coffee? / Can I, Can I get a coffee? / Can I, can I get a coffee?” This is, of course, the wrong question, as is fully explained in The wrong question, the eighth track gracing The Antipoet‘s latest CD, which is a plea – nay a protest – of Gallic intensity against the further Americanisation of everyday English discourse. Because, as any fule kno, “We don’t say ‘To go’ / We say ‘To take-a-fucking-way’.“
The Antipoet at Larmer Tree Festival by Abby Eaton 22/07/2014
I tip-toed through the tulips (it's my thing...don't question my life choices) and discovered The Lost Stage, and more importantly The Antipoet. Right up my tent pole, and I haven't laughed so much in ages. You're very clever. And funny. And off the wall. I like that (except in an eggy nursery rhyme kinda way when there's an overriding sense of certain doom).
They’re artists (don’t take the piss)… they’re men of a muchness,
Decorative and unexpected, like panties that are crotchless.
Got up in random clothes, put on in a random order,
This Cat in the Hat and associated Corseted Mental Disorder,
Are leathery and oft kilted, easy in ‘No Bovver’ boots,
Eyeliner by kohlminer, but they ain’t no pair of fruits.
Don’t take the painted nails, to mean ‘We’re screaming queer!’
They’ll set you straight… some arsehole, has sold you a big bum steer.
Glastonbury Festival 2013. The news was announced in April and was accompanied by a glowing review from the festival's official blogger, before they'd even made it to the stage!
"I screamed when I saw they were on too! Possible my favourite poetry act ever and the stage needs them!
My favourite poetry ‘band’, these two had adults streaming tears in laughter and kids all round me jumping from their seats chanting ‘Tights Not Stockings’, the last time I saw them at a live gig. My mum fancies them, my nan thinks they’re ‘a bit too rude’, my mates think they’re geniuses and I think their song ‘Random Words’ should be given out as medication to anyone who’s gone to too many naff poetry gigs. Serious ideas performed hilariously."
Hollie McNish, Glastonbury 2013 Official Blogger
'Its like sharing a dressing room with a rock band. They made me feel like Debbie Harry'
Laura Dockrill June 2010
'Enigmatic beat poetry. a dazzling display of poetry, comedy and music, sometimes all in the same moment!'
Fringe Review August 2010
At a very bass level, all plucky and very ‘cool, man’,
Ian’s doubly dude-ish, a bit lived in… definitely not New-man.
And Paul…he’s totally lost, in his own Bermuda triangle
A raving, shaven-headed Mr Bo feckin’ jangle
You gotta love ‘em, The Antipoet
They’re sexy and they know it
You could hate ‘em, The Antipoet
They’re ranty, and the show’s shit!
(But then everyone’s a critic)
Great job guys. You were top of the Larmer Tree for me.
'The Antipoet is an act at the forefront of the new movement, with material dripping in parody. They take poetry to a new level, with performances as memorable as they are hilarious'
'The Stage' July 2010
'Combining music, poetry and comedy is one of the hardest things to pull off but they (The Antipoet) do it brilliantly I'm glad I caught the performance'
Paul Lyalls August 2010
'Great material! Totally professional but completely unpretentious'
Jude Simpson August 2010
'You guys built a vibe. Did it for me big time.'
David J August 2010
''Great singer & bass player", "He's a genius"
Ed Tudor Pole July 2010
'The sexiest poets on the stage since I retired'
Yanny Mac September 2010
'eyeliner, triangle and double bass have never been funnier!'
Word Of Mouth, Norwich September 2010
The antipoet are managed by Donna Daniels-Moss
Via the contact page.