"The Masters of Beatrantin' Rhythm and Views"
Download Antipoet Albums
1/Most People Are Nice
2/ We're Only Crafting
3/ Cosplay Copper
4/ You Look Like A Penis, Sir
5/ The Woke Have Spoke
6/ The Port & Cigar Club Fund
7/ We Haven't Had A Summer
8/ Mild Threat
9/ A Little Bit Pervy
10/ Where Are You Freddy
11/ Personal Space '20
12/ On The Otherside
13/ The Barman (Blyth Power)
1/ Does My Bass
2/ Lament For The Motorway Service's 'Good Ol' Mug A' Tea'
3/ Kids Today
4/ They Don't Need It
5/ It's Not Guns That Kill People
6/ If It Hurts
7/ Smugness Incarnate
8/ They've Got To Learn
9/ The Pointless Princesses
10/ Punk Unkle
11/ Clever Bastards (Dury)
12/ Adam (Ant's) warmup
1/ 'Gizza gig'
2/ We Play For Food
3/ Flesh 'n' Blood
4/ 'The Interview'
5/ Mrs Worthington
6/ Pointy Dancing
7/ 'Slammin'
8/ Patent Pending
9/ Miss Adventure
10/ 'In the Nursery'
11/ You should have been there
12/ Bedside Manner
13/ 'Schoolrun Mums'
14/ An Awkward Moment
15/ Did you kick it with your toe Sir?
16/ 'The Scout'
Review quotes for The Antipoet: 'We Play For Food' album...
'Oh to be a virgin where exposure to The Antipoet is concerned!'
'Misunderstandings can occur, but they are poets {and} poetry needs them!'
'Part of their charm is the anarchic energy and commitment they bring to every gig. They are endlessly inventive; full of rhythm, joy and wit, delivering good-natured and/or righteous scorn and loads of big fun.''In a rational world they'd have their own telly programme.'
Dave Quaile for 'Lillabullero', April 2017.
1/ In A Poetocracy
2/ The Bards Of Bugger All
3/ Sign of the times (Gimp Night)
4/ Festivals; I Shit'em!
5/ The Gingerbeard Man
6/ Christian By Default
7/ We're Not Worthy
8/ The Wrong Question
9/ To Kill or sue
10/ We Are The Warmup
1/ 'Ere's One For The Kiddies
2/ Believe What Thou Wilt
3/ Dr Gig
4/ Nothing’s Immaterial
5/ Members Only
6/ Twentyfirst Century Boy
7/ I Do And So Does She
8/ Tipping Point
9/ Clean Underwear
10/ Everyone's A Critic
Random Words in a Random Order
1/ Donna Says
2/ Anyone We Know
3/ Sci-Fi Hands
4/ Champion The Underdog
5/ This'll Do
6/ Hypoctritcal Carnivore
7/ Reading Dogs
8/ Personal Space
9/ Twitter Ye Not
10/ Random Words in a Random Order